Friday, March 18, 2005

Please Let This Day Be Over!

I'm tired.

Its been a long week filled with bureaucracy and traveling and required networking and socializing with people (many of whom I can barely tolerate) and just a whole lot of other BS I've had to contend with that I really didn't want to have to deal with.

And now its Friday and I can't wait to walk out the office door and leave it all behind until Monday morning.

There are days I love my job. There are days I LOATHE it. And there are days like today, where I am just tired of it and find myself sitting here wishing I were anywhere else but here.

So much to do, and no matter how much or how little I accomplish each day, there's still a never-ending pile to contend with. On top of that, there are many personalities that I have to deal with on a day to day basis that completely and utterly drain me -- emotionally and physically.

I suppose that's normal and to be expected, but lately it seems as though there have been more bad days than good and I'm just tired of it.

See a theme here?

Thank goodness spring is right around the corner. At least the winter doldrums are starting to lift, and I can take a few vacation days or mental health days to just get out of the office, become more active and maybe even get out of town for a little while. I'm even considering joining a gym -- get the blood flowing on a regular basis, lose a few pounds and perhaps even meet some new people.

For right now, I guess I'll have to settle for some late afternoon coffee and hope that tomorrow I have more get up and go.

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