Saturday, April 02, 2005

Back in the Groove

Despite the glum and dreary day outside, I feel good. NO, scratch that. I feel great.

I finally made good on my vow to take actions to lose weight and get back in shape. This afternoon, I joined the gym.

I can't believe how easily my body fell back in the groove (altho I'm sure it will be complaining plenty tomorrow) and how great I felt afterwards. Not just physically, but mentally as well.

It felt good to get the blood pumping again, and to get long-forgotten muscles back in motion. I'm also going to set up an appointment for a personal training session. It came free with the membership, so why not. In the past, I just did my own thing, but perhaps maybe that is why after a month or two I got bored and burned out.

I'm hoping this time, I stick with the program long-term, much like I did the first 4 or 5 years after college where I had been a total gym rat. And if my attitude right now is any indication, I may be well on my way. I'm already looking forward to going back.

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