Friday, March 25, 2005

Getting In the Groove

Well, after trying fad diets, saying I was going to exercise, and debating whether or not re-joining the gym after my 2-year absence is what I really wanted to do, I've decided whether I want to do it or not, I MUST!

I remember a time, seems like a lifetime ago, where I could eat, drink and lounge around as much as I wanted and not gain an ounce. I had a voracious appetite, but a magical, super-charged metabolism to go along with it.

Seriously, I ate whenever, whatever and how much of whatever I wanted. And never had to deal with pants that didn't fit, a scale that creeped up to a number I had never imagined I would ever have to deal with.

Becoming 33 changed all that. That is when the pounds started to creep on. At first, it didn't bother me. It was a pound or two every few months. Not a big deal and I didn't pay attention. Then one day, it was 7 pounds more than I had weighed when I felt I looked really good. Then 10, then 15.

I won't even admit in writing my actual weight now, but it is a far cry from my optimum.

So, enough. I can't do the fad diets, then scale back on them and go back to where I was before in a matter of months. And I'm tired of looking puffy. Any muscle tone I once had, is pretty much gone.

So tomorrow, clad in sweats, checkbook in hand, I will make my way to the gym and get a membership. And to keep myself going, I have enlisted a friend, who has promised to be a drill sergeant, and I've already taken the size 8 pants and skirts out of the back of my closet and hung them front and center, to envision how I will look once I become a workout goddess!

1 comment:

Ted said...

When you think about it, it is no big deal. I'm much older, 61, and 22 years ago I weighed 185, not bad for 6'1" and 41 years old. Then I started gaining???? I put on 10#'s per year. That is less than 1 #/month. Some years only 5#'s/year. Who can't lose 1 lousey # per month and keep up with it. I think you hit the nail on the head, when you said you wern't paying attention. Today I am in Weight Watchers trying to lose 90#. It makes for great Blog subjects but it is harder than Hell. Good luck with the workouts.

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