Saturday, May 28, 2005

Getting a Workout

I love to sweat.

I know that sounds odd, and kinda gross, but I do.

Of course, I don't mean the kind of 3-hour workout sweat where, well, horrid smells emanate from every possible part of your being. I'm talking about the mild sweat. The perspiring sweat, if you will. The kind of sweat that has a sort of wholesome smell, maybe with a little bit of salt mixed into it.

Like the kind of sweat I built up today doing yard work. After 2 hours of trimming hedges and sweeping sidewalks (with several iced tea breaks built in, of course) I had the perfect sweat going.

Not too drippy, not too offensive, but good enough so that I could feel self-righteous about the 2 hours of manual labor I had done, and enough that it felt like a workout, as well, giving me the perfect excuse for not having to go to the gym today.

Oh, did I mention that I also packed up all my recyclables and carted them off to the recycling center, filled the bird feeders and hung a new birdhouse to give my feathered friends a nice place to stay while they summer here?

So, now, I'm done. Just in time too, because as I swept the last of the hedge trimmings from the front sidewalk, the rain started coming down and it looks like its gonna be here for awhile.

Guess I'll grab another iced tea (iced green tea, that is), a cigarrette and chill on the enclosed porch for a bit and try to decide if I want to just shower, grab dinner and call it a day, or do a few indoor domestic tasks, ie, cleaning the bathroom or polishing furniture.

I'm thinkin' the shower/dinner combo is probably gonna win out!

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