Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The weather's fine......

I'm going home on time today.

This is a big deal.

As someone with a Herculean sense of guilt and a strong tendency to be a workaholic, me leaving work at 5 p.m. or (gulp) before 5 p.m., regardless of the number of extra hours I may already have put in, is something that happens very rarely these days.

But today -- with temps approaching 80 degrees and a perfect springtime sun and clear blue sky -- is just too nice a day to keep my self-imposed sweatshop hours and so, come 4:30, that's right, not 5, not 5:30, but 4:30, I am walking out that door, getting into my car and heading home.

My plan: Be on my front porch, tall glass of iced tea setting on the table beside me and a book in hand, to soak up the late afternoon rays and enjoy the gentle breezes that I've gotten just a hint of, as they filtered in through my open office window.

Never mind that I really should force myself to better utilize this time and at least think about going to the gym, or maybe sneaking in a couple loads of laundry (which has been gathering in a Mt. Everest-size pile for the past week now)

The only pit stop I may make on the way home is at the roadside flower stand to buy some hanging baskets for the front and back porches, and the only reason I'm allowing myself this task is because it will enhance the quality and enjoyment of, my porch time.

Truth is, I've been working hard lately and dealing with alot of upper level management type BS, and its showing.

I have preposterously weird dreams, in which the upper level types often appear doing the most bizarre things.

I've been eating alot of junk food. My occasional smoking habit has become a daily one, and I find myself finding fault with people for things that I shouldn't even be thinking or caring about (see post below).

So, a short workday that will end with some of my favorite things -- being outside, reading and iced green tea is going to feel like a little slice of heaven to this stressed out, really tired girl.

I can already feel those gentle spring breezes blowing through my hair -- and I can't wait for 4:30 to get here!

1 comment:

Phoenixwaller said...

you go girl. it sounds like you deserve it

The Passage of Time

At work, I have one of those "Book-a-Day" desk calendars and each morning, after turning on my computer, as it whirls to life, I r...